Acireh Music Center



3469 North Dixie Highway
Oakland Park Fl. 33334

When you support our event you are helping Acireh Music Center and Spazio School to provide a fun and accessible community space where Samba is shared and education classes are taught uniting people through the appreciation of music, culture and technology.

Premier Sponsor  $4,000
Exclusive “Presented by” branding on all materials


20-second ad on the main event screen through the night

On-stage mentions

Advertising display table

Prominent presence during headlining show

Logo on exclusive vertical banner

VIP access for reps

Photo ops with dancers and artists

Social media shout-outs to 200,000 followers

Two Reserved VIP lounge

12 General admission tickets (one free drink per person)

Special Sponsor  $1,000

10- second ad on the main event screen through the night

On-stage mentions

Advertising display table

Logo on Wall banner

Social media recognition

VIP access for reps

One Reserved VIP Lounge

Recognition in press releases

Photo ops with dancers, artists and celebrities

Six General admission tickets (one free drink per ticket)

Business Sponsor $300

Advertising display table

On stage mentions

Advertizing table

Logo on Wall banner

VIP access for reps

Recognition in press releases

Social media shout-outs to 200,000 followers

Three General admission tickets (one free drink per ticket)


All Our Sponsors will receive Multi-Channel Promotion

Engage with Heli’s 200k social media followers

Mentions on Radio Heli

Targeted paid advertisements

Distribution of flyers and A3-sized posters to businesses in
Dade,  Broward, and Palm Beach County.

Photo ops with dancers and artists

Produced by: Acireh Music
3469 N. Dixie Highway
Oakland Park Fl. 33334
Tel: (754) 276-6361

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